Monday, April 11, 2022

Goat Give-Away!

 A message from Cynthia Pierfax:


It is officially the Prairie View A&M 4-H Goat Give-Away season, and the Goat Give-Away committee would like to share an opportunity to expand your youth agricultural program. The 4-H Goat Kid Giveaway Program has promoted dairy goats as a 4-H project since 1987. There has been an additional option for meat goats (contingent on the meat goat breeder being willing to donate the meat goats). 

Applications are open April 5th-April 15th. The committee will judge the applications by looking for evidence that the applicant has the resources and knowledge to properly take care of the goat and show commitment to furthering their goat and overall 4-H involvement. Applicants do not need to have previously raised goats to enter this program. Dairy goats will be ready the second week in May. For those wanting meat goats, once the committee gets the number of meat goats requested, we will work with the breeder to see if he is still willing to donate this year. The delivery timeline of the meat goats will depend on the breeder's schedule. The committee will inform the youth of their acceptance in the give-away by April 30th. 

Attached is the marketing flyer for the project. We would love to have your 4-H, FFA, or youth organization participate this year. If interested or would like additional information, please respond to this email, and we can move forward from there.

Click on flyer for link:

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