Saturday, March 30, 2013

2013 National 4-H Congress

For more than eighty-five years 4-H members from the great state of Texas have been participating in National 4-H Congress. This event is the one of the oldest and most prestigious events that youth between the ages of 14 to 19 can participate in during their 4-H career.

National 4-H Congress allows 4-H members from more than 45 states to come together in Atlanta, Georgia and participate in leadership, citizenship, and culture experiences that they would not be able to participate in back in their state 4-H program.  In addition to the diverse range of workshops offered, 4-H members have the opportunity to hear some of the country's most outstanding speakers in leadership and motivation.  It truly is an event that can change your life!

Landon Woods, 4-H member from Hale County had the opportunity to attending in 2011 as a delegate and then was selected as a National 4-H Congress Design Team member in 2012.  Below is a brief comment from Landon about his opportunity to participate.

My time at National 4-H Congress made me reflect on how great it is to serve others and how important it is, to be a part
of someth
National Congress Landon
ing bigger than myself! 

Being a part of 4-H, the largest youth organization in the world, has challenged me as an individual and as a productive citizen in our society and as I said before, my time spent at the 2011 and 2012 National 4-H Congress "put the icing on the cake" for my 4-H career and I wouldn't trade the things that I learned or the people that I met for the world. I would highly recommend National 4-H Congress to anyone, it is one of those things that you will never regret and remember forever!

If you are between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age and would like to participate in National 4-H Congress please check out the Texas 4-H - National 4-H Congress website for more information about applying and participating.  Deadline to submit an application is April 16, 2013, so there is plenty of time for you to apply and make a difference in your life!

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