Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Texas 4-H Dog Show and Dog Validation

The 2017 Texas 4-H Dog Show will be held in Belton on July 7-9, 2017.  To be eligible to participate, 4-H members must validate their dogs.  This task is accomplished through your profile in 4-H Connect.  You may find instructions on the Travis 4-H website here.

Keep in mind:

*  For purebred dogs (they do not have to be registered, just look purebred) you will select the correct Group and list the breed. 

*  For purebred dogs (they do not have to be registered, just look purebred) you will select the correct Group and list the breed. 

*  Photos of the left and right side of the dog should be a side view of the whole dog. They should also be clear and light enough we can see all markings and color of the dog.   

*  If you have validated before, you will click on the box next to each of the dogs you will be validating this year and then click the “activate animals” button. Once they are active click the edit button next to the dog and review the information making any corrections and updating photos if needed. 

You can find more information on the state 4-H website:  


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