Sunday, October 12, 2008

Speak Out for Military Kids - Opportunity

Speak Out for Military Kids
Ambassador Training November 1 and 2nd
For more details or to RSVP -

Speak Out for Military Kids (SOMK) -The Speak Out for Military Kids Ambassador program is a key component of OMK in Texas. Military and civilian youth ages 13-17 may be nominated by an adult or self nominated with references. Nominees attend a two day training course to become Ambassadors for the program. During this training participants develop public speaking/presentation skills, leadership and citizenship skills as they explore issues of deployment, methods of coping and avenues to share their own viewpoints and pointers with others. Thus, allowing them to "SPEAK OUT" for military kids in their respective areas of the state. SOMK youth often assist with statewide activities and in special leadership roles such as interpretation events for key leaders, participating in media interviews at events and serving as Junior Counselors for Operation Purple or other camp opportunities for military youth! To see an example of the work (PSA) of our SOMK youth in Texas click here (TXDallasSOMK.wmv)!

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